# PHP Integration

PHP integration is the most secure type of integration, and we strongly recommend using it.

PHP integration comes in two forms: direct and reverse. They differ in how our filtering files interact with your locally hosted pages, if you have any. In other words, the difference lies in which file receives incoming traffic. Otherwise, both types are equally secure. Choose the one that suits you best.

Direct PHP integration is the most common way of integration. If you're unsure which type of integration to choose, go for direct PHP integration.

In direct PHP integration, traffic separation is done using a special file called index.php , which you place in the landing page folder or any other location accessible via HTTP. This file serves as the entry point for your traffic and works in conjunction with our servers, which make the final decisions.

After uploading the index.php file to your hosting, a link to it becomes a "cloaked" link for use in your advertisements. Multiple identical index.php files can be used in parallel to protect several offers or landing pages without interfering with each other.