# Money and Safe Pages

Content Page

Content Page is your actual landing page or CPA offer that you plan to promote. In other words, it's what should generate income for you. Traffic will be distributed among them according to the rules of the rotator (see the "Rotator" section below).

Depending on the chosen action (see the "Action" section below), this field can contain different values: links, file and directory paths, code in PHP or JavaScript languages, and more. If we don't consider specific actions, the main types of values are links and paths.

  • URL is a link in the familiar format that you typically enter in your browser's address bar. It can be your offer from a CPA network, a smart link, a link to a campaign in an external tracker, a TDS flow, and so on. The link should start with http:// or https://; otherwise, the system will recognize it as a path to a file (see below).
    Redirect actions also support various non-HTTP URLs, which allow you to perform specialized tasks on your visitors' devices.

    Some common examples include:
    mailto:[email protected] will open an email program to compose an email to the specified address.
    tel:+08001234567 will dial the specified number on mobile devices and some desktops with telephony software.
    market://details?id=app will open the mobile app's page in Google Play.
    This functionality is especially useful for working with deep links that lead to content within mobile applications.

  • Path to a local file or directory, for example, sell.php or /pages/index.html. In this context, the word "local" means that the file or directory at the specified path should be located on the same server where the filtering file is uploaded (these files are discussed in more detail in the "Integration" chapter). In other words, it should be on the same domain that will be used for the final "cloaked" link. Paths are further divided into absolute and relative paths.

    Absolute paths start with the / character and are relative to the root directory of the website, i.e., from the domain's root. For example, the path /pages/index.html on the example.com domain will point to https://example.com/pages/index.html.
    Relative paths do not start with the / character, and their exact interpretation depends on the type of integration.


This is the action that will be taken with the visitor. Cloakify supports various types of actions. Typically, you will use only a couple or a few primary actions.


"PP" is short for "Pass-Through URL Parameters." If pass-through parameters are enabled, all parameters from the incoming link will be added to the link or the filename of the content page.

Let's assume your page is specified as a link:


The visitor goes to the campaign's file index.php via the link:


If the visitor is deemed trustworthy, they will be redirected to the content page with the combination of parameters from both of the links above:



Each content page has its abstract weight, which is set to 10 by default. This parameter is taken into account during split testing of multiple content pages.

"Split" Rotator

Rotator distributes traffic among enabled content pages according to their weights: the higher a page's weight, the proportionally more traffic it will receive.

For example, if you have three content pages with weights of 10, 15, and 25, the first page will receive 20% of the total target traffic, the second page will receive 30%, and the third page will receive 50%.

Safe Page

A white page (also known as a "safe page," "white page," or "safe landing page") is a secure page designed for moderators, bots, competitors, and other non-targeted visitors who should not be allowed to access your content. It should not contain any sensitive content that could jeopardize your advertising campaign, such as violating the rules of the advertising network. Everything described for content pages also applies to white pages: you can use a URL or file name for display. In the case of a file, if your content page is also set up as a file, you will essentially need to combine two landing pages in one folder with different HTML or PHP file names.

We strongly recommend using a full-fledged custom landing page as your white page. This is because some advertising networks view any redirects with suspicion, subjecting campaigns containing them to more thorough scrutiny, and some even prohibit redirects altogether.


The described actions work as outlined only when using PHP integration. The behavior when using JavaScript integration is explained separately.